Look Look Cards have become popular throughout the North shore of Massachusetts and beyond. We have sent packs to Alaska, South America and everywhere in between. Students and staff have invented many games over the years. Click the links below to find some of those awesome games. If you have your own games you want listed please email them too us at jessica@kestreleducation.org 

Hunter's Game "Battle Look Look"

Battle Look Look is similar to Pokemon, Magic: The Gathering, and other games that require points, special powers, and great imagination. Did you ever realize the incredible powers of wild animals and mysterious creatures that live all around us. Now you can! Two or more players.

Bea's "Look Look Collectors Game"

Look Look Collectors Game is a great game that requires a large collection of cards of all habitats, trophic levels etc. This game is for 2 people and requires that players to either fight or flight during each encounter of animals. 

LookLook Storytelling Ecology (Ages 8 and up)

Rules of Play

  • Each player takes out his or her personalized deck (assembled by buying or trading cards)
  • Zone off areas for each player to serve as that players' playing card field, so the cards won't get mixed up during the game.
  • The first player puts down a 1 or 2 trophic level card and begins a story with a strong opening line, that places the animal in a specific location. (For example, "The blue heron landed by the edge of the pond and looked all around.")
  • Proceeding in a circle, the next player plays a card that is part of the story and has to explain what kind of interaction the newly played card has with the others in the playing zone (examples of interactions: Preys upon first animal, is eaten by first animal, competes with the other animal, or creatively and peacefully co exists in a habitat). Each step should be told like a dramatic story and should reasonably connect to the most recent story portion.
  • Once a card is played, it remains face up, in the players' playing zone
  • Each player has to play a card that either matches the trophic level played by the previous player, or is one level up or one level down. Levels cannot be skipped. The story itself is open ended and does not have to follow a specific structure. 
  • (Optional Challenge: Each player is required to use a piece of information from the card in his or her addition to the story. This can be any information on the card, including the general facts, size, etc.)
  • A player can switch habitats if he or she can work the change in habitat into the story, but not by playing a marine card. Play can be switched to the marine habitat only by playing a marine food card OR if someone has just played an osprey OR a raccoon OR a Great Blue Heron, then the next player can play a marine habitat card. (Because the actual marine cards are all animals that cannot leave their habitats realistically, but a raccoon or great blue heron will visit marine and non marine habitats frequently)
  • Anytime a player cannot take a turn due to lack of appropriate card, he or she may "pass" and not play a card.
  • The game ends when a 5 trophic level card is played. A 5 trophic level card can only be played following a 4 trophic level card being played. The decision to put down a 5 trophic level card should be made carefully by someone who thinks they will win the game, and who can work the card into the story. 
  • When the game is over, all the players add up the trophic levels of the cards they have played. The player with the highest sum wins IF he or she can also re-tell the whole story with reasonable accuracy.(We think maybe the winner also has to do a reasonable re-telling of the whole story to win?)
  • Alternate version: When the game is over, each player multiplies the lifespans of each of the animals played by their trophic levels and then adds up all those numbers to get a score.


LOOKLOOK Interactions Game (Ages 5 and Up)

Rules of Play

  • Break into 2 or more teams of 2 or more players each
  • Each player has a deck of cards, held so the player can see them but no one else can
  • The goal of the game is to make interaction pairs. 
  • The first player plays a card and asks if others can find an interaction with that card, in the same habitat. For example "Does anyone have an interaction with a great blue heron in a wetland?" (Possible interactions could be, for example, a green frog which could be the heron's food, or a snapping turtle, which could share a food source with the heron)
  • Once an interaction is found, the players put the interacting cards in pairs
  • Continue play around the circle
  • After a set amount of time, each team adds up the total number of interacting pairs made, and the team with the highest number of interactions wins.